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Belarus to reduce export duties on oil, oil products on 1 January

Belarus will reduce export duties on oil and oil products, which are exported outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, on 1 January 2016. The relevant decision is stipulated by the Council of Ministers’ executive order No. 1097 of 28 December 2015, the press service of the Belarus government told BelTA.

The export duty on crude oil will go down from $88.4 to $73.3 per tonne. The duty on straight-run gasoline will be reduced from $75.1 per tonne to $52 per tonne, with the export duty on commercial gasoline down from $68.9 to $44.7 per tonne.

The export duty on light and medium distillates will be $29.3 per tonne, down from $42.4. The same rate will be applied to gas oil, benzene, toluene, xylene, lubricants, and other oils.

The export duties on crude oil and some categories of derivative oil products were previously revised on 1 December. On that date they were also reduced.
Tags: fueloil