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Belarus viewed among most advanced nuclear “newcomers”

IAEA experts praise the activity of the Belarusian institutions responsible for the nuclear and radiation security, BelTA learnt from the UN Press Center.

Experts of the IAEA program “The Integrated Regulatory Review Service” concluded a 12-day mission to assess the regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation safety in the Republic of Belarus. The IAEA called Belarus one of the most advanced nuclear “newcomer” countries. 

During the visit, inspectors held meetings with representatives of the Emergencies Ministry and the Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (Gosatomnadzor). The experts made a conclusion that Belarus has a strong commitment to safety. 

“Belarus faces the challenge to regulate the safe operation of its first nuclear power plant. The authorities have identified this challenge,” said team leader Petteri Tiippana, Director General of Finland’s Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority. 

Two Russian-designed, 1200 megawatt-electric power reactors are under construction at the Ostrovets site in northwestern Belarus. According to the IAEA, Belarus started its nuclear power program to meet an increasing demand for energy.