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Belarus well-supplied with Russian oil for decade

Russia will supply 23 million tonnes of oil to Belarus in 2015. In 2016-2024 as much as 24 million tonnes will be delivered every year, Russian Vice Premier Arkady Dvorkovich told media on 30 May.

BelTA has learned that the figures were agreed during the talks with First Vice Premier of Belarus Vladimir Semashko on 28 May. “We talked over the usual list of matters, primarily oil deliveries. We came to terms and the relevant agreement was signed yesterday. We have specified the main figures — the total volume of oil deliveries, including volumes to be delivered via pipelines and the minimal volume of deliveries in return,” noted Arkady Dvorkovich.

Yet he did not rule out that the figures may be revised down the road. “Basically we have specified figures till 2024. In 2016-2014 Belarus will get 24 million tonnes of oil annually, including 23 million tonnes via pipelines. The volume of oil to be delivered via pipelines can be 2% higher or lower due to technical capabilities. So an increase of 1 million tonnes will be available as from 2016. Later on we will see if the installations in Belarus change,” explained the Vice Premier.