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Belarusian, Chilean specialists to search for oil in Ecuador


Belarusian and Chilean specialists have discussed a project to explore oil fields in Ecuador, BelTA learnt from the press service of Belorusneft.

This was the first Belarus-hosted meeting of representatives of the companies that signed an agreement in July 2013 to conduct joint geological exploration and development of hydrocarbon resources in the south-west of Ecuador. As was informed earlier, this project involves state-run oil companies Petroamazonas EP (Ecuador), Belorusneft and ENAP SIPEC (Chile).

The parties considered three possible options to determine the area of exploration. Relying on the available data, Belorusneft specialists suggested focusing on the most promising site, Mirador.

Specialists of the BelNIPIneft company and the research and engineering center of Belorusneft informed the Chilean delegation about Belarus’ methods to increase oil recovery and maintain reservoir pressure.

The industrial group Belorusneft was founded in 1966. The company specializes in the surveying, prospecting and development of oil fields, well drilling, oil and associated petroleum gas extraction in Belarus and other countries, including Russia, Ukraine and Venezuela.