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Belarusian Gosatomnadzor ready to discuss nuclear safety after COVID-19 situation gets stabilized


MINSK, 9 April (BelTA) – Gosatomnadzor is ready to discuss national reports on fulfilling the Nuclear Safety Convention on the platform of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) after the situation with COVID-19 is stabilized, BelTA learned from Olga Lugovskaya, Head of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor).

The official said: “As for the defense of the national report, it has to happen at a review meeting of the parties. A review meeting was scheduled to take place in the IAEA HQ in Vienna on 23 March – 3 April. Taking into account the epidemiological situation in the world the event was postponed for an indefinite period of time but it will happen sooner or later. We are ready to discuss our report and national reports of other countries. We are ready to have a multilateral dialogue and make our own contribution to the global strengthening of nuclear safety.”

According to the Gosatomnadzor head, the Belarusian report met an increased interest of the contracting parties. As many as 239 questions regarding the report were submitted remotely. Only Finland, Russia, and China received more questions. Comprehensive answers were given to every question.

Most of the questions focused on the sections concerning the regulatory authority, safety evaluation and verification, and radiation protection. The contracting parties also demonstrated strong interest in the assimilation of proposals and recommendations put forward as a result of IAEA assessment missions and peer reviews in Belarus.
