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Belarusian legislation on alternative energy needs improving


Belarus needs to improve legislation in the field of alternative energy sources, Belarusian First Deputy Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Minister Vitaly Kulik said at the plenary session of the 18th Belarusian Energy and Ecology Congress on 16 October, BelTA has learnt.

“Sources which produce biogas (biofuel and biomethane) which cannot be used for producing electricity are currently not on the list of renewable sources. The definition of energy produced from renewable sources is incorrect, too. Such energy includes only electricity,” Vitaly Kulik said.

Moreover, organizations which produce energy from unconventional sources operate in more favorable conditions in comparison to major energy operators which are generally state organizations. “In line with Belarusian laws they [major energy operators] cannot set tariffs on electricity produced from local and renewable fuel by private owners,” Vitaly Kulik underlined. As a result the entire profit goes to private manufacturers, including quite a few foreign investors. “They use this money to buy foreign currency thus increasing the burden placed on the Belarusian foreign exchange market,” Vitaly Kulik noted.

Vitaly Kulik added that natural energy sources require very expensive equipment and have a low cost of production at the exploitation stage. “In order to use wind, solar or water power one does not need to store up raw materials or employ large numbers of people. That is why the development of this area is among top priorities in Belarus,” Vitaly Kulik stressed adding that this work should start with improving the legal framework.