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Belarusian nuclear power plant's link to power grid takes into account possible BRELL ring changes


MINSK, 17 June (BelTA) – The possibility of the Baltic states pulling out of the BRELL (Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) energy ring was taken into account in the course of building the link between the Belarusian nuclear power plant and the national power grid, BelTA learned from Pavel Drozd, Director General of the Belarusian national energy company Belenergo.

Pavel Drozd said: “The possibility of the power grids of the Baltic states pulling out of the parallel operation mode was taken into account as prospects of development of the Belarusian power grid were considered. In particular, the possible separation of the power grids of the Baltic states was taken into account during the design and construction of electric infrastructure as part of the electricity output scheme of the Belarusian nuclear power plant.”

Apart from that, a set of measures to build additional power lines is being implemented in order to negate consequences of the separation of interstate links between Belarus and Lithuania. It will help secure reliable supply of electricity in the Belarusian territory that borders on Lithuania.

At present the Belarusian power grid and the power grids of the Baltic states interact within the framework of the synchronously operating energy ring BRELL (Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania). There are direct electric connections between Belarus and Lithuania: four 330kV transit lines as well as a number of 110kV and 35kV lines. Once the power grids of the Baltic states are connected to the European Union's European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), the electric connections between Belarus and Lithuania will be turned off.
