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Belarusian, Russian electrical companies deal with massive blackout as exercise

MINSK, 19 August (BelTA) – Representatives of Belarusian and Russian electrical companies dealt with massive power supply disruptions as an exercise in Russia’s Pskov Oblast, representatives of the Belarusian national electrical company Belenergo told BelTA.

During the exercise Belarusian energy industry specialists and their Russian colleagues practiced cooperation between mobile teams of the Pskov Oblast electrical company Pskovenergo and the Vitebsk Oblast electrical company Vitebskenergo in the course of alleviating consequences of multiple violations of technological requirements in the operation of power grids. The main purpose of the exercise was to work out a concerted action routine for electrical companies in the neighboring regions during the alleviation of consequences of emergencies as part of preparations for the autumn-winter period of 2015-2016.

In accordance with the scenario of the exercise 57 power lines in Pskov Oblast were deemed broken, with power supply to 25,000 residents disrupted. For the sake of dealing with the emergency the Vitebsk Oblast electrical company sent mobile teams. Specialists of the Emergencies Ministry, contractor companies and utilities enterprises also arrived. All the teams have been examined by medics, have been briefed and authorized to act. After that, the specialists were busy replacing broken power transmission line towers, using a mobile diesel generator to give power to a school boiler house, extinguishing a fire at a high-voltage substation as well as doing other things. During the exercise the interaction between operations centers of various levels was practiced. The readiness of communication systems and public announcement systems was checked as well as the relaying of operational data and interaction with mass media.

The Pskov Oblast electrical company Pskovenergo hosts exercises to practice the alleviation of massive power grid emergencies every year as routine preparations for the autumn-winter period. For the first time in the last twenty years Belarusian energy industry specialists have been invited to participate.

Information exchange and the coordination of practical efforts in the course of repairing of interstate power lines and providing assistance with massive power grid malfunctions are regulated by the agreement on strategic cooperation between Belenergo and Russian national power grid operator OAO Rosseti.