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Belenergo, Germany’s DENA to cooperate in electrical energy area

Belenergo and the German energy agency DENA are expected to sign a memorandum of understanding in Minsk on 14 October, First Deputy Energy Minister of Belarus Leonid Shenets told media, BelTA has learned.

“Our German counterparts have been actively working with renewable energy resources. Their experience will very useful important for Belarus,” Leonid Shenets said.

The goal of the document is to develop cooperation in the electrical energy sector aiming at enhancing energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy resources in Belarus. The main areas of cooperation will include the development of joint proposals to introduce new advanced technologies in thermal and electricity supply, development of power grids. The parties also plan to share information on the electrical energy sector, including possible investment projects. Besides, the agreement envisages an opportunity of training and enhancing qualifications of specialists in the use of renewable energy resources. According to Leonid Shenets, the forthcoming meeting also envisages a creation of a working group to “find unified approaches to the implementation of the joint project”.

Minsk is hosting a meeting of the Belarusian-German Energy Forum as part of the 19th Belarusian Energy and Ecological Forum. The forum will be held through 17 October. It includes an exhibition EnergyExpo, the 9th international exhibition Water and Air Technologies, the 10th specialized exposition of lighting facilities ExpoLight and the 19th Belarusian Energy and Ecological Congress.