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Belenergo, Poland continue to discuss possible electricity supplies


MINSK, 19 December (BelTA) – We continue to discuss possible electricity export with Poland, Director General of the Belarusian national electric company Belenergo Pavel Drozd told the media on 19 December, BelTA has learned.

“We offer Poland to collaborate. We have a 110kV link between Brest and Poland. Our proposals are being discussed. We suggest supplying electricity through Lithuania as they (Poland and Lithuania) have a link [between themselves]. We suggest we sell electricity to Lithuania and Poles take it from Lithuania,” Pavel Drozd noted.

According to the director general, Poland is also invited to “build jointly a DC link, which will create a possibility to work in sync with the European Union in the future,” he said.

The Belarusian electricity export is expected to reach 2.35 billion kWh in 2019. Last year Belarus' electricity exports totaled 1 billion kWh.
