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BelNPP general contractor awarded Grand Prix, First Class, at Russian contest for best construction company

The Russian company OAO NIAEP – ZAO Atomstroyexport (ASE) which is the general designer and the general contractor of the Belarusian nuclear power plant construction project was awarded the Grand Prix, First Class, at the 18th all-Russian contest for the best construction company, BelTA learned from the communications department of the Russian company.

The merged company OAO NIAEP – ZAO Atomstroyexport (ASE) received the Grand Prix, First Class, in the category The Best in the Russian Construction Industry 2013. A diploma and a challenge cup were presented to Senior Vice President of OAO NIAEP, Director of the Moscow branch of OAO NIAEP Vladimir Savushkin.

“The construction of nuclear power plants, especially abroad, is one of the biggest industrial and energy construction challenges that require an unprecedented level of responsibility and corporate culture. We build the latest-generation nuclear power plant in strict compliance with international and national standards of nuclear and radiation safety. In order to resolve such complicated tasks it was essential to work out an information system for the operation of a complex engineering facility called the MULTI-D technology. That was a pioneer technology in the Russian and global practice. It allows conducting detailed modeling of construction and installation processes, optimizing many aspects of the NPP construction at the preparation stage, playing out various scenarios of resource management using a 3D model of the facility. All that allows us to build such hi-tech facilities as nuclear power plants on schedule and even ahead of schedule,” Vladimir Savushkin stressed.

The all-Russian contest for the best construction company is held by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the Russian Union of Builders and the Union of Construction and Building Materials Industry Workers.

The Belarusian nuclear power plant will have two power-generating units with the total generating capacity of up to 2,400MW (1,200MW each). The Russian design AES-2006 was chosen for the plant. The design is fully compliant with international standards and IAEA recommendations. The timeline for implementing the project is formalized by the general contract. The first power-generating unit of the nuclear power plant is scheduled for launch in November 2018.