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BelNPP information center actively cooperates with Russian centers

The Belarusian nuclear power plant (BelNPP) information center actively cooperates with similar centers in Russia, Eduard Svirid, the head of information and public relations at the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant, said during an online press conference at BelTA.

"We actively cooperate with our Russian counterparts, especially with information centers of the Balakovo, Kalinin and leningrad nuclear power plants,” said Edward Svirid. According to him, the parties exchange information, documentation, best practices. "They come to us, we go to them. That is a very extensive interaction ,” he stated.

For her part, Tatyana Shlyk, the head of nuclear energy information center (Minsk), said that they communicate with colleagues from Russian information centers on a monthly basis. The occupational-guidance science fair "Corporation of Knowledge" organized by the National Center for Innovation and Technical Art jointly with the independent non-profit organization "Nuclear Industry Information Center" (Moscow) will open on 1 December. "The program is designed for three full days. Every day will see different activities: workshops involving interactive and practical activities; lectures for high school seniors and students; panel discussions for a wide audience of scientists and specialists,” she explained. According to Tatyana Shlyk, events will be attended by well-known Russian scientists and popularizers of science, and representatives of the scientific community of Belarus.

“The main aim of the fair is to tell the citizens of the two countries about the latest developments in science and technology, encourage young people to engage in research activities, tell them what opportunities young scientists have in Belarus,” noted Tatyana Shlyk. Another task is to give vocational guidance to high school students and raise awareness of schools pupils, students and Minsk residents about nuclear industry.