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Belorusneft offers its services to PetroVietnam

Vietnam’s oil company PetroVietnam shows interest in Belorusneft potential, BelTA learnt from the Belneftekhim press service after the company’s talks with a delegation from Vietnam led by Vice President of the company Do Chi Thanh. 

“The presentation of Belorusneft potential attracted the interest of the Vietnamese delegation. The parties agreed on a visit of the company’s specialists to Belorusneft to study the proposals of the Belarusian company,” the specialists noted.

Partaking in the talks on Belarus’ behalf was acting President of Belneftekhim Valentina Krasnykh, acting Vice President Natalia Leichenko, and Deputy Director General of Belorusneft Alexander Sharayev.

The parties discussed possible areas of cooperation in the oil production sector, including Belarusian services on improving the oil production rate and oil extraction volumes. The meeting was organized as part of the agreements reached during the visit of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko to Vietnam in December 2015.

According to Belneftekhim, in 2015 the trade of the national petrochemical companies with Vietnam totaled $91.5 million, up 17% from 2014.

Tags: oil