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Belorusneft starts servicing oil wells of Russian Arktikgaz

In line with the contract signed with OAO Arktikgaz Belarusian specialists have started service maintenance of oil wells in the Urengoy oil and gas condensate deposit in Russia’s far north, the press service of the Belarusian industrial group Belorusneft told BelTA.

Service maintenance is performed by the company’s external service department, which was recently created as part of the oil recovery enhancement and well repair division of Belorusneft. Hardware and specialists of the backfill office and the utility vehicles office are employed to provide the service. A coiled tubing plant and a nitrogen plant have been delivered from Belarus as well as a pump, automobiles, and auxiliary equipment.

Specialists believe the event is a landmark one. Up till recently Belarusian companies could reach foreign markets of oil industry services only via its own branches or by setting up joint ventures. At present those Belorusneft divisions, which are based in Belarus, are getting gradually involved in export operations. The trend increases the number of foreign trade participants of the industrial group, allows the divisions to expand their business and establish direct cooperation with major oil companies.

The Belarusian industrial group Belorusneft was founded in 1966. The company specializes in the surveying, prospecting and development of oil fields, well drilling, oil and associated petroleum gas extraction in Belarus and a number of other countries, including Russia, Ukraine, and Venezuela.