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Belorusneft’s export of oil industry services on the rise in 2014

In 2014 the Belarusian industrial group Belorusneft intends to perform at least $20 million worth of oil industry services, namely operations to increase the output of hydrocarbon wells abroad. The figure will be 2.5 times larger than the one registered in 2013, BelTA learned from Belorusneft’s Deputy Director General Alexander Prizentsov.

In his words, the export growth will be secured by increasing the number of orders that Belorusneft fulfills in Western Siberia and the Far North and by expanding the geography of the Russian Federation regions where the Belarusian company performs hydraulic fracturing and salt-acid fracturing operations. In particular, over the last 12 months the number of Belorusneft’s clients has grown to include daughter enterprises of OAO Lukoil in Volgograd Oblast, Kaliningrad Oblast, and Samara Oblast. “The Chechen republic and Stavropol Krai are absolutely new regions for us where services are rendered to enterprises that make part of the oil giant Rosneft,” remarked Alexander Prizentsov.

Over 100 well operations have been carried out in Russia already. At present Belorusneft teams are working in Kaliningrad Oblast and in the Far North where wells of the Urengoy oil and gas condensate deposit are serviced in line with the contract with OAO Arktikgaz. “We hope we will be able to secure our foothold in the region and extend the contract into 2015. Apart from that, we get quite a lot of proposals from other partners to sign contracts for 2-3 years. Invitations to bid in tenders are constantly submitted,” said Belorusneft’s Deputy Director General.

The demand for Belarusian services abroad is primarily attributed to the level of sophistication of the technologies Belorusneft uses. “In Russia we directly compete with leading Western companies. We take part in tenders on equal terms with them. We win some tenders and we lose some. However, the most important thing is that we are on par with them as far as the level of technology and the technical capabilities are concerned,” stressed Alexander Prizentsov.

Belorusneft has acquired two highly sophisticated fleets for hydraulic fracturing operations. Another set of equipment is supposed to be acquired within the next few months. It means that the enterprise intends to continue raising the volume of its exported oil industry services.

The Belarusian industrial group Belorusneft was founded in 1966. The company specializes in the surveying, prospecting and development of oil fields, well drilling, oil and associated petroleum gas extraction in Belarus and a number of other countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Ecuador.