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Chinese company to finish installing Vitebsk hydropower plant equipment by March 2016

The Chinese company CNEEC will finish installing equipment of the Vitebsk hydropower plant by March 2016, BelTA learned from representatives of the Information Technologies Office of the Belarusian national electrical company Belenergo as they commented on the latest meeting of top executives of CNEEC and the Vitebsk Oblast electrical company Vitebskenergo. The meeting was held to discuss the construction of the Vitebsk hydropower plant on the Zapadnaya Dvina River.

As a result of the meeting the sides decided that China National Electric Engineering Company (CNEEC) will finish installing the equipment and will ensure the launch of the first unit by March 2016. CNEEC will commission the entire facility in January 2017, said the source. Concrete operations at the hydroengineering complex and the closing of the bypass channel are supposed to finish in November-December 2015. In turn, Vitebskenergo will have to choose specialists, who will be trained and will take part in installing the equipment and building the facility.

According to the source, the contract signed with CNEEC provides for the turn-key construction of the Vitebsk hydropower plant. As part of the contract CNEEC is supposed to design, build, supply and install equipment, perform startup and commissioning operations. CNEEC will have to test, commission the facility, provide maintenance during the warranty period, and train personnel.

BelTA reported earlier that the Vitebsk hydropower plant will allow tapping into the water power potential of the Zapadnaya Dvina River. The facility will be able to generate 40MW of electricity to satisfy the demand of one third of Vitebsk District.

The concept of Belarus’ energy security till 2020 envisages the construction of four hydropower plants along the Zapadnaya Dvina River: the Polotsk one, the Vitebsk one, the Beshenkovichi one, and the Verkhnedvinsk one. Their total capacity is supposed to reach 110-125MW.