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Council for Strategic Projects in favor of common 5G infrastructure in Belarus

Photo courtesy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
MINSK, 11 January (BelTA) – The Council for Strategic Projects under the President of Belarus suggests developing common infrastructure for deploying a 5G network in Belarus, the press service of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus told BelTA.

The proposal was passed at a session of the Council at premises of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Top-ranking government officials, executives, specialists of government agencies and domain-specific organizations took part in the session. The session was organized to work out a consolidated stance of the Council on rolling out a mobile telecommunication network in Belarus in compliance with the IMT-2020 (5G) standard.

Chairman of the Council for Strategic Projects under the President of Belarus Vladimir Gusakov noted that approaches of regulatory bodies to the deployment of the 5G network had been presented during the previous session. Two options were presented: common infrastructure and free-for-all competition. “As a result of the discussion and in order to take into account opinions of interested parties as much as possible the Academy of Sciences set up an ad hoc working group, which included representatives of the regulatory bodies and the academic scientific community. The working group analyzed the strategies in depth as well as materials of the presented reports and additional queries for information. Opinions were exchanged and pros and cons of the suggested models were discussed at premises of the Informatics Institute,” the official said.

The Council’s proposals on rolling out a mobile telecommunication network in Belarus in compliance with the IMT-2020 (5G) standard were presented for consideration of members of the Council for Strategic Projects. Deputy Director General of the Informatics Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Sergei Kasanin presented a detailed report on it.

The Council for Strategic Projects opted for developing common infrastructure for deploying the 5G network in Belarus. The regulatory bodies will soon prepare a feasibility study for the project. The materials will then be forwarded to the government for reconciliation. The proposals will be forwarded to the head of state after that.

Participants of the session also discussed a registry of project initiatives. The council had received a number of proposals, which had been compiled into this registry. At present there are 81 project initiatives on the registry. Most of the proposals are only ideas. Members of the council will have to categorize them depending on their significance. Kind of a top 10 of the project initiatives will be formed in this manner. The top 10 project initiatives will be shortlisted for inclusion into the council’s work schedule for 2024.
