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EEU working on methodology to forecast energy balances

The Eurasian Economic Commission is working on a methodology to develop indicative balances of gas, oil and petroleum products. The draft was reviewed at a meeting of the ad hoc working group chaired by Director of the EEC Energy Department Viktor Myasnik in Moscow on 9 September, BelTA learned from the press service of the commission.

Development of indicative balances of gas, oil and petroleum products is envisaged in the Treaty of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). “The methodology of forecasting the indicative balances of gas, oil and petroleum products contributes to a more efficient use of the energy potential and optimization of the interstate shipments of fuel and energy resources in the Eurasian Economic Union,” said Viktor Myasnik. For example, the methodology allows the member countries to unify the approaches to the indicative energy balances of the union and to organize systematic work on this matter.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Eurasian Economic Commission, ministries and agencies of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, business communities.