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Electricity generation in Belarus 4.9% up in June


The generation of electricity in Belarus totaled 2.2 billion kWh in June 2013, 4.9% up from June 2012, a report released by the National Statistics Committee reads.

BelTA has learned that in June heat energy generation totaled 2.5 million Gcal, 5.1% down from June 2012.

In January-June 2013 as much as 15.7 billion kWh of electricity and 37.7 million Gcal of heat energy was generated in Belarus, 101.3% and 100.3% as against the same period of last year.

In January-June 2013 the production and distribution of electricity, gas, and water dropped by 0.2% from January-June 2012 to Br25,037.2 billion.