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Energy Ministry stresses importance of IAEA SEED mission for Belarus

IAEA experts have arrived in Minsk to conduct the Site and External Events Design (SEED) mission, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Energy Ministry.

Belarus’ Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Mikhadyuk greeted the IAEA experts with words of welcome. He thanked the IAEA Secretariat for the organization of the mission and stressed its importance. The parties established guidelines for the mission and proceeded to discuss key matters. The experts will be working in Belarus until 20 January.

The team of the SEED mission includes IAEA experts from the United States, Poland, France, Hungary, Turkey, and Romania. Belarus is represented by specialists and experts from relevant ministries and organizations.

Since 2007, Belarus has hosted a number of IAEA missions, working meetings, consultations and workshops aimed primarily at assisting the country in drafting and improving the laws on nuclear energy use, developing the nuclear infrastructure and the personnel training system for the nuclear power program.