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Environmentalists from Novovoronezh ready to share experience in nuclear monitoring with Belarus

Environmentalists from Novovoronezh are ready to cooperate with the Belarusian colleagues and share the practices of monitoring the operation of the nuclear power plant, BelTA learned from chairperson of the Novovoronezh Public Chamber Inna Kudryashova.

"Novovoronezh has a vast experience of monitoring the environment impact of the nuclear power plant. The natural background indicators in the relevant locality were recorded before the construction of the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant. Thus, the monitoring has been carried since 1962. We have reference data, and we are able to track the dynamics of any variations and deviations. During all these years, no negative changes in the climate, flora and fauna have been detected,” said Inna Kudryashova.

According to her, strict control is maintained over the River Don basin, where the NPP is located, and also over the water in the NPP pond-cooler. "We monitor the Don in several places; take samples of air, water, algae, sediments, soils and vegetation. Often we involve independent experts from other cities and regions. No cause for concern has been detected,” the environmentalist said.

According to her, the pond-cooler boast large numbers of silver carp and roach which local fishermen catch and eat. "This fish is absolutely healthy and safe. Once we even hosted the Russian national fishing championships, invited independent experts and journalists. The entire catch was carefully examined. The unanimous verdict was that the NPP does not cause harm to the environment,” said Inna Kudryashova.

The Novovoronezh nuclear power station is a nuclear power station close to Novovoronezh in Voronezh Oblast, central Russia. The launch of the first unit on 30 September 1964 heralded the development of the industrial nuclear power not only Russia but also in several countries of Eastern and Central Europe.
Novovoronezh was the first Russian NPP to have VVER reactors.

The construction of two power units with the new-generation reactor VVER-1200 under the NPP-2006 project was launched in 2007. It is a breakthrough nuclear object featuring innovative technology and fully corresponds to all existing safety requirements.
Tags: constructioncooperationecologyNPPRussiasafety