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Expert enthusiastic about nuclear energy prospects in Belarus

Nikolai Buzin

MINSK, 11 December (BelTA) – Thanks to the construction and commissioning of the nuclear power plant Belarus has received an alternative source of energy that is state of the art right now, BelTA learned from Professor Nikolai Buzin, Doctor of Military Sciences.

Nikolai Buzin said: “Nuclear energy is part of green energy whatever anyone may say. Europe's leader Germany decided to shut down its nuclear power plants and switch to green energy but ended up with a recession in the country in 2023. The shortage of energy in the country is one of the reasons. At the same time Belarus doesn't have large amounts of energy resources. We have to look for alternative sources of energy. In my opinion, only nuclear energy can be such an alternative in the future.”

Nikolai Buzin mentioned Saudi Arabia as an example. The country is thinking about a nuclear power plant of its own despite the abundance of oil in the country. As for the Belarusian nuclear power plant, the design offers cutting-edge standards and unbelievable safeguards. The total output capacity of the Belarusian nuclear power plant's two units is 2,400MW. By commissioning the nuclear power plant, Belarus has substituted 4.5 billion of imported natural gas. “It is a huge sum. In other words, we've received an alternative source of energy,” the expert stressed.

Nikolai Buzin also reminded about the Ignalina nuclear power plant in Lithuania. Once the nuclear power plant was shut down, its home city became a ghost city and highly qualified specialists left the country. Now Lithuania has to import energy and cannot satisfy the domestic demand with domestic generation. Even despite a slump in the output of the manufacturing sector. The manufacturing sector and the country as a whole are experiencing stagnation, Nikolai Buzin remarked.

At the same time an alternative source of energy is available to Belarus. “I'd say that there will be no more perfect source of energy than nuclear energy in the near future. Our country needs to develop the nuclear energy industry unless we want to end up on the sidelines of history,” the professor summarized.
