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Experts discuss development of national nuclear infrastructures in CIS space

MINSK, 27 April (BelTA) – A videoconference session of the CIS expert group in charge of reconciling documents on peaceful uses of nuclear energy took place in the Moscow branch of the CIS Executive Committee on 26 April, BelTA has learned. The documents include a program on the development of national nuclear infrastructures of the CIS states and an action plan on implementing the program.

Representatives of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, the CIS Commission on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, and the CIS Executive Committee took part in the session. Opinions about the draft program and the draft action plan were exchanged.

The documents are aimed at defining the main principles and tasks, at carrying out joint work and national work to develop nuclear infrastructures in order to ensure safe and effective realization of national programs on peaceful uses of nuclear technologies taking into account modern requirements of national and international norms of nuclear, radiation, and industrial safety in the CIS states.

Later on the approved draft program and draft action plan will be submitted for consideration of supreme CIS bodies according to the established procedure.