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First unit of second Leningrad nuclear station scheduled for launch in 2015

The first power-generating unit of the second Leningrad nuclear power plant is scheduled for launch in 2015. The information was released by Sergei Kiriyenko, Director General of the Russian state corporation Rosatom, at the routine conference held to discuss the construction of the first and second power-generating units of the second Leningrad nuclear power plant, BelTA learned from the information and public relations department of the second Leningrad nuclear power plant.

“We are not changing the task set before the directorate of the power plant under construction and before the contractors,” stressed Sergei Kiriyenko referring to the scheduled launch of the first power-generating unit.

The Rosatom head spoke in positive terms about the organization of the work at the construction site and noted that the schedule for building the power-generating units remained rather tough. Sergei Kiriyenko added that the technological solutions practiced as part of the construction of the second Leningrad nuclear power plant (the installation of an enlarged polar crane, two parts of the dome of the internal protective shell with mounted equipment, and the installation of the coating of the internal protective shell of the reactor building using extremely large reinforced blocks) will be later utilized at other construction sites.

The second Leningrad nuclear power plant is an analog of the nuclear power plant, which is being built in Belarus. The Belarusian nuclear power plant will boast two power-generating units with the total generating capacity of up to 2,400MW (1,200MW each). The Russian design AES-2006 has been chosen to build the power plant. The design is fully compliant with international standards and IAEA recommendations. The Russian merged company OAO NIAEP – ZAO Atomstroyexport (ASE) is the general designer and the general contractor for building the power plant. The timeline for implementing the project is stipulated by the general contract. The first power-generating unit of the nuclear power plant is scheduled for launch in November 2018.

The Russian manufacturer of the reactor unit for the Belarusian nuclear power plant offers a 60-year warranty for this piece of equipment. The Volgodonsk-based branch Atommash of ZAO AEM Technologies intends to supply the reactor shell for the first power-generating unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant in autumn 2015.