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Future workers of Belarusian NPP trained in Smolensk

A group of Belarusian students specializing in nuclear energy are fulfilling their pre-graduation practice at the Smolensk nuclear power plant, BelTA learned from the public information center of the enterprise.

They are the first graduates of the Energy Department of the Belarusian National Technical University who will operate the nuclear power plant that has yet to be built in Belarus. The pre-graduation on-the-job training has been arranged in line with the agreement on cooperation between the Smolensk NPP and the Belarusian university.

The future specialists study to become professionals in building and designing nuclear power plants and professionals in steam-turbine plants of nuclear power plants.

The pre-graduation practice will last till 7 March. The Belarusian students are supervised by specialists of the turbine department of the Smolensk nuclear power plant in collecting materials to defend their diploma papers. The students are collecting the necessary data regarding the operation of the nuclear power plant, getting familiar with the organization of the work and with technical and standard documents.

The students have been able to assure themselves of the high degree of safety of the power plant and to expand their knowledge regarding the operation of individual components of the technological systems.

The students believe that this kind of the on-the-job training is necessary for them to successfully finish their education.

According to Ms Tatiana Savina, Chief Engineer of the Turbine Department of the Smolensk nuclear power plant, it is very interesting and pleasant to work with the students from Belarus. “The guys are very responsible, disciplined, they demonstrate excellent theoretical knowledge, are eager to raise their educational level,” she remarked. “Many years later they may say that they’ve been at the Smolensk NPP, seen the high-power channel-type reactor and used it to study the profession. We, the teachers, are glad to have taken part in training the first specialists for Belarus’ first nuclear power plant”.

The Smolensk nuclear power plant is a branch of OAO Rosenergoatom. Every year the power plant generates about 20 billion kWh of electricity or about 13% of Rosenergoatom’s output and over 80% of Smolensk Oblast’s output.