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Gazprom eager to invest in Grodno Azot


The Belarusian state petrochemical concern Belneftekhim and OOO Gazprom Investproject have agreed to start working out a scheme for cooperation to implement the investment project at the enterprise OAO Grodno Azot, Belneftekhim’s press service told BelTA.

In Moscow Belneftekhim Chairman Igor Zhilin and Grodno Azot Director General Konstantin Mayanov held negotiations with First Deputy Head of the Finance and Economy Department of OAO Gazprom Alexander Ivannikov and First Deputy Director General of OOO Gazprom Investproject Alexander Fedorusenko. The sides reached an agreement to work out a scheme for the joint implementation of the investment project to build a nitrogen complex for OAO Grodno Azot. A working group made of Gazprom and Belneftekhim representatives will be created to carry out the agreement.