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Gazprom to supply more natural gas to Belarus in Q4 2014

OAO Gazprom will supply over 6 billion m3 of natural gas to Belarus in Q4 2014 or roughly 46% up from Q3 2014, the public relations service of OAO Gazprom Transgaz Belarus told BelTA.

This year Belarusian consumers will get a total of about 20 billion m3 of natural gas just like it was planned, said the source.

Asked about transit, representatives of Gazprom Transgaz Belarus told BelTA that this year 45.4 billion m3 of natural gas will be transported via Belarus, including over 11 billion m3 in Q4 2014. In 2013 nearly 49 billion m3 of natural gas was transported via Belarus.

The source said that a regular session of the supervisory board of OAO Gazprom Transgaz Belarus took place on 18 November. The session focused on reports concerning the development of the justification of investments for the enhancement of the gas transport system in the Republic of Belarus.

The supervisory board also heard out reports concerning diagnostics, overhaul and maintenance operations on the gas transport system in 2014 and the relevant draft plan for 2015-2017. The session approved the corrected budget of OAO Gazprom Transgaz Belarus for 2014 and reviewed the draft investment program for 2015-2017.

In April 2013 OAO Beltransgaz was officially renamed into the public joint-stock company Gazprom Transgaz Belarus, with Russian OAO Gazprom owning all the shares. The gas transportation system of the company in Belarus comprises 7,870km of trunk pipelines and gas pipeline branches, 13 compressor stations, 224 gas distribution stations, seven gas-measuring stations, and 27 automobile gas refueling compressor stations. The company also operates three underground gas storage facilities: the Osipovichskoye one and the Pribugskoye one that use water-supplying structures and the Mozyrskoye one that uses rock salt deposits. The trunk pipelines, which are located in Belarus, are used to deliver Russian natural gas to Russia's Kaliningrad Oblast, to Lithuania, Ukraine, and Poland.