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Gazprom Transgaz Belarus to build gas liquefaction facility

MINSK, 13 August (BelTA) – OAO Gazprom Transgaz Belarus intends to build a facility for liquefying natural gas. The idea was discussed at the conference held to review the implementation of the roadmap on developing the gas engine fuel market in Belarus, the company’s press service told BelTA.

In particular, participants of the conference discussed the fulfillment of individual clauses of the roadmap and the development of the feasibility study for building the facility that will liquefy natural gas. The management of OAO Gazprom Transgaz Belarus and OOO Gazprom Gas Engine Fuel signed the schedule for building the gas liquefaction facility in Belarus.

The gas transportation system of OAO Gazprom Transgaz Belarus includes over 7,900km of trunk pipelines and gas pipeline branches, 13 compressor station, 227 gas distribution stations, seven gas-measuring stations, and 27 automobile gas refueling compressor stations. The gas transportation system also includes three underground gas storage facilities: the Osipovichskoye one and the Pribugskoye one that use water-supplying structures and the Mozyrskoye one that uses rock salt deposits.

On 18 April 2013 the public joint-stock company (OAO) Beltransgaz was renamed into OAO Gazprom Transgaz Belarus. The Russian company OAO Gazprom owns all the shares of OAO Gazprom Transgaz Belarus.