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Gosatomnadzor, Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority sign memorandum of cooperation

The Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor) and the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority signed a memorandum of cooperation in peaceful uses of atomic energy on the sidelines of the 60th regular session of the IAEA General Conference in Vienna, BelTA learned from Gosatomnadzor Head Olga Lugovskaya.

The document was inked by Olga Lugovskaya and Director General of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority Gyula Fichtinger. By signing the document, the parties confirmed their mutual interest to take consistent steps to develop cooperation in safe use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The steps were outlined in March 2016 during an official visit of a delegation of the Hungarian nuclear regulatory agency to Belarus.  

“The memorandum provides for exchange of information and experience. Hungary will be building power-generating units to the same [VVER-1200] design as that used in the BelNPP. This is why they are interested in our experience. Although Gosatomnadzor is a young regulatory body, it has already done a lot in terms of the monitoring of the BelNPP construction. Meanwhile, Hungary has vast experience in the management of nuclear power plants, so we are interested in their related to the monitoring of NPP operation, drafting of legal regulations, and organization of the work of experts at a NPP site,” Olga Lugovskaya said.

The Belarusian side is eager to study Hungarian practices concerning the organization of public hearings, which is welcomed by the IAEA. The Hungarian nuclear safety authorities invited Gosatomnadzor experts to attend such hearings.

Gosatomnadzor is ready to share its experience in licensing activities, first of all those associated with the issuance of licenses for the construction of power-generating units. Olga Lugovskaya said that Gosatomnadzor expects to receive an application for a license to operate the first power-generating unit of the BelNPP by year-end 2016.

“We maintain close ties with Hungary in international platforms. The signed memorandum will intensify our cooperation,” the Gosatomnadzor head noted.