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Hungary interested in nuclear power plant construction oversight in Belarus

Representatives of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (HAEA) are interested in the Belarusian experience of overseeing the construction of the nuclear power plant, BelTA learned from the Communications and Public Information Office of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department (Gosatomnadzor) of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry after an official visit of the delegation of the Hungarian nuclear industry regulating agency to Belarus.

During the visit the sides discussed peculiarities and distinguishing features in forming the legislation to regulate nuclear safety, license the operations required to build a nuclear power plant, and the components of the process. The sides talked about the conformance of the licensee with license requirements and conditions and the organization of independent expert evaluation of safety matters.

Gosatomnadzor representatives noted that for the sake of improving the system of nuclear and radiation safety regulations they were interested in the law enforcement practice in Hungary and the organization and operation of the system to record the operational experience of the Hungarian nuclear power plant. The Paks nuclear power plant has four VVER type reactors, the first one of which was commissioned in 1983. Apart from that, the Belarusian agency was interested in the legislative foundation and the practice of public debates before issuing nuclear industry operation licenses.

Apart from that, the Belarusian and Hungarian sides discussed progress in preparing the memorandum of cooperation in nuclear safety regulation. The memorandum is expected to be signed during the IAEA general conference in September 2016.

Led by the agency’s head Gyula Fichtinger, the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority delegation stayed in Belarus on an official visit on 21-25 March. Working meetings were held with representatives of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry. The meetings focused on nuclear safety regulation as part of nuclear power plant construction projects and steps to establish and formalize cooperation between the regulating authorities of Belarus and Hungary.

Tags: constructionNPPsociety