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IAEA assessment mission to visit Belarus in October 2016

The next IAEA assessment mission will visit Belarus in October 2016, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano told reporters after visiting the Belarusian NPP, BelTA has learned. 

Mr Yukiya Amano recalled that before the first unit is launched in 2018, Belarus will host seven assessment missions of the IAEA. The next mission will be in October this year. The goal of the mission is to review the activities of the national regulatory authority in the field of nuclear energy. From the point of view of the operation of a nuclear power plant it is important to have a strong and independent national regulatory authority, the IAEA Director General said. 
During the visit, the Agency plans to study the Belarusian practices and share experience.

One of the missions will assess the site selected for nuclear power plant construction. A separate mission will assess the security of the site just before the plant is commissioned.

According to Mr Yukiya Amano, all seven IAEA missions will be about safety issues.
“During the current visit, we were pleased to hear strong commitment from Belarus to ensure safety and follow the IAEA recommendations in this regard,” the IAEA head said.