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IAEA director general to open Atomexpo in Minsk

Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano will visit Belarus on 18-20 April, BelTA learned from Dmitry Mironchik, Head of the Information Office, Press Secretary of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Yukiya Amano is expected to take part in the opening of the nuclear industry expo Atomexpo in Minsk, visit the construction site of the Belarusian nuclear power plant near Ostrovets and the national center for control and response to emergencies.

Apart from that, the IAEA Director General will meet with Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei and a number of representatives of Belarusian government agencies.

BelTA reported earlier that the 8th international expo and conference Atomexpo Belarus will take place in the national exhibition center BelExpo on 19-21 April. The event is recognized as a major exhibition project that plays a special role in developing and popularizing nuclear energy industry in Belarus. New technologies and equipment are demonstrated at the venue, important matters relating to the nuclear energy industry are taken care of, development prospects are outlined and partnerships are established.

The business part of the expo will include a science and practice conference focusing on the development of nuclear energy industry in the Republic of Belarus. A plenary session, panel sessions, and roundtable sessions will be held as part of the conference. The agenda of the conference will include the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant (requirements for suppliers, programs on buying services and equipment), construction technologies, materials, and equipment used to build the nuclear power plant, the public acceptance of nuclear energy industry, modern instruments and equipment for nuclear power plants, the development of nuclear infrastructure, and other areas.

Participants are expected to demonstrate state-of-the-art technologies used to design, build, operate, and safeguard nuclear power plants. This year the expo will feature such areas as the design and construction of the nuclear power plants, project management, control and oversight systems, safe operation of nuclear power plants, instruments and equipment for building nuclear power plants, materials and technologies for nuclear energy industry, the treatment of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel, radiation protection solutions, pipelines and fittings, electrotechnical and lifting equipment.

Russian and foreign enterprises belonging to the nuclear industry and allied industries, research institutions, equipment vendors and service providers, representatives of the business community are invited to participate in the event.

Atomexpo Belarus will be held upon the initiative of the Belarusian Energy Ministry with assistance of the Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom.

Tags: IAEAinnovationssciencesociety