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IAEA: Nuclear power fosters economic development


By using nuclear power countries make the economies more competitive, ensure energy security and cut on greenhouse gas emissions, Mr Yukiya Amano, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said at an opening ceremony of the international high-level conference “Nuclear Power in the 21st Century” in Russia’s Saint Petersburg on 27 June, BelTA has learnt.

“Many countries think that nuclear power will play an important role in addressing the challenges which the world is facing in the 21st century in order to secure adequate sustainable development and get clean energy,” Mr Yukiya Amano noted. As the world population is growing the world sees a stable increase in demand for electric energy, said the IAEA top official. “In order to supply the growing demand it is necessary to use all available energy sources and nuclear power is a reliable and tested technology,” Mr Yukiya Amano added.

According to him, the development of fast-neutron reactors and other cutting-edge technologies will make nuclear power more efficient.

The IAEA Director General also pointed out the importance of safety issues when it comes to nuclear power. “We always have to be careful and make safety priority number one,” Mr Yukiya Amano added.

Mr Yukiya Amano also noted in recent years, some progress has been made to restore confidence in the nuclear industry. “A high level of transparency is vital when it comes to nuclear power. We should inform the public of all advantages of nuclear power in comparison with other kinds of energy,” Mr Yukiya Amano underlined.