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IAEA to help Belarus develop nuclear industry regulatory infrastructure

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will continue helping Belarus with the development of the regulatory infrastructure as part of the effort to implement the first nuclear energy program. The statement was made by IAEA Deputy Director General Juan Carlos Lentijo during the meeting with top officials of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department (Gosatomnadzor) and the National Center for Control and Response to Emergencies of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry, the Gosatomnadzor press service told BelTA.

Juan Carlos Lentijo assured the Belarusian side that support will be granted upon Belarus’ requests through technical cooperation projects and by sending IAEA experts and evaluation missions into the country. The next mission will take place in October 2016 and will be tasked with the comprehensive evaluation of the regulatory infrastructure.

The IAEA Deputy Director General mentioned Belarus’ broad participation in bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the area of nuclear and radiation safety, good dynamics of development of the Belarusian regulatory body and the approaches the agency uses to tackle its challenges and tasks. In his opinion, the development of human resources and competences is one of the most significant tasks of the agency.

During the meeting the sides talked over a broad range of matters concerning nuclear and radiation safety regulations as part of implementation of the nuclear energy program in Belarus.