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Information systems of over 700 Belarusian state organizations now powered by state cloud


MINSK, 13 September (BelTA) – Over 700 state organizations have transferred their information systems to the state cloud, BelTA learned from Director General of SOOO Belarusian Cloud Technologies (beCloud trademark) Oleg Sedelnik.

According to the source, transition of state organizations to the cloud has been going for rather a long time. The transition is stipulated by Belarus president decree No.46, according to which government agencies and state organizations are supposed to use this cloud to host their information systems and resources. “It is a priority task for us and information security is the key aspect of it,” the executive stressed.

In his words, over 700 organizations have already moved their assets to the government cloud. A schedule for transition has been stipulated by a Council of Ministers resolution. The schedule will be revised every year taking into account the reality. State organizations are busy evaluating the possibility of moving their systems to the cloud. But consumers, in particular, civil servants, already understand the value of secure government clouds. “Now we can work tightly and effectively as partners,” Oleg Sedelnik said.
