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International public forum on atomic energy and safety in Moscow

The IХ International public forum-dialogue "Atomic Energy, Society, Safety-2014" will take place in Moscow on April 10-11, BelTA learnt from the Public Council of ROSATOM.

The forum is called for to become a discussion platform for representatives of ROSATOM, enterprises, cities and municipalities that host nuclear facilities, non-government organizations, scientists and experts from Russia and other countries.

The main objective of the forum will be a discussion of social and ecological aspects of nuclear power development in Russia and in the world, exchange of experience in interaction of nuclear facilities with non-governmental organizations and local communities. The plenary sessions and round-table discussions will address approaches to the safe development of nuclear power, issues of nuclear, radiation and environmental safety, development of social sphere in nuclear-hosting cities, nuclear plant decommissioning problems and problems of the back-end of nuclear facilities lifecycle materials in use and resulted from the use of atomic energy.

The forum-dialogue is organized by the Public Council of ROSATOM, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Interregional Non-governmental Environmental Organization Green Cross, the Non-governmental Ecological Vernadsky Foundation, International Ecological Public Organization GREENLIGHT and the Russian Ecological Congress.