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Iran embarks on Bushehr II project

Photo: press service of the ASE Group of Companies
Construction and installation works were official launched at the site of unit 2 of the Bushehr nuclear power plant in Iran on 14 March 2017, BelTA learned from the press service of the ASE Group of Companies.

The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by representatives of the customer for the Bushehr II project, Iran's Nuclear Power Production and Development Company (Bushehr Nuclear Power plant director-general Hossein Ghaffari and project manager Mahmoud Jafari), MPs from Bushehr Province and other officials. AtomStroyExport (ASE), Rosatom subsidiary and the general contractor for the Bushehr project, was represented by director for the construction of the Bushehr plant Suren Ambartsumyan and specialists of the ASE Office in Iran.

According to Suren Ambartsumyan, a "technologically competent" team of Russian and Iranian specialists were formed during the first phase of the Bushehr project. They can "quickly navigate complex technical issues and contingencies". "The great expertise of Iranian specialists will be actively used in the construction of Bushehr II," he added. Suren Ambartsumyan also expressed confidence that the new unit would be built to the high standards and according to the schedule.

The Nuclear Power Production and Development Company (NPPD) of Iran and ASE signed an EPC turnkey contract for the construction of Bushehr units 2 and 3 in November 2014. The two VVER-1000 units will be built with Generation III+ technology, including the latest safety features, and will have a combined capacity of 2,100MW. Bushehr units 2 and 3 are to be completed in 2024 and 2026, respectively. The company has already started excavation, demolition of the structures and leveling operations on the first three sections of the industrial site.