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Kiriyenko: Sanctions against Russia have not affected Rosatom’s contracts yet

The current international situation and the sanctions against Russia have not had any impact on Rosatom’s foreign contracts, Director General of the Russian state corporation Rosatom Sergei Kiriyenko told reporters during a visit to the construction site of the Leningrad 2 nuclear power plant on 25 July, ITAR-TASS informs.

“None of our foreign partners has refused to fulfill their commitments. If someone starts hesitating under political pressure, we will find other partners,” Sergei Kiriyenko was quoted as saying.

Rosatom head noted that the company is actively exploring new sales markets and expects to sign new international contracts in H2 2014. The cooperation with Ukraine is proceeding as planned, Sergei Kiriyenko said.

“We keep supplying fuel to nuclear power plants of Ukraine: we have never failed to supply nuclear fuel, while Ukrainian partners have never failed to pay for the supplies,” he said.