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License to build nuclear stations in Russia for Belarusian builders


Belarusian construction workers will get licenses to build nuclear stations in Russia. The statement was made by Director General of the Russian state nuclear energy corporation Rosatom Mr Sergei Kiriyenko on 1 February, BelTA has learned.

“There is an agreement between our presidents, instructions have been issued by the heads of government stating that Russian organizations can work in Belarus while Belarusian construction workers, who demonstrate good professional skills and quality here, in Ostrovets, will be able to work to build nuclear power plants in Russia and in third countries,” said Sergei Kiriyenko. He remarked that Russia is now building nine power-generating units of nuclear power plants in the country and is fulfilling 19 contracts to build nuclear stations abroad. It is a large market, a large volume of work, he stressed. This is why a Russian government resolution is being prepared to allow Belarusian construction companies to get licensed to partake in building nuclear installations in Russia. Thus, the experience of Belarusian construction workers in Ostrovets will be widely used in Russia, too, stressed the Rosatom head.

He also answered questions regarding Rosatom’s possible involvement in the construction of the consequent power units of the Belarusian nuclear station. “We have discussed the matter with colleagues preliminarily. But the decision will have to be made by Belarus as the customer. It is possible. If the decision is made, it is possible to enhance this nuclear station because technically there are no hindrances,” stated Sergei Kiriyenko. The matter was discussed when the contract to build the Belarusian nuclear station was signed. The contract was signed for building two power units. “There is nothing to impede us in building four or more if necessary. It is logical because, as a rule, all the sites for the nuclear stations we build are designed for 4-8 power-generating units. The more units per site there are, the lower the costs are, it is possible to grow larger using an existing site,” he explained.

According to Sergei Kiriyenko, it would be correct to use the unique experience of nuclear power plant construction in Belarus. He said that when the preparatory work for the first power unit in Ostrovets was in progress, the process was very difficult, experience was accumulated and certain trust. And now the preparatory work for the second unit is going faster. Therefore, if the decision to build the third and fourth units is made, they will be built even faster and more effectively. Sergei Kiriyenko remarked that Rosatom was ready for it.