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Long-run R&D products presented at Atomex 2015 in Moscow

Specialists of the Russian nuclear engineering company Atomproekt presented their long-run R&D products at the nuclear energy industry suppliers forum Atomex 2015 in Moscow. In particular, Atomproekt presented nuclear power plant designs with high-output water-moderated reactors for their compliance with requirements of domestic and foreign customers and regulators, BelTA learned from Yekaterina Putronen, head of Atomproekt’s public relations office.

In particular, Atomproekt Director General Sergei Onufriyenko said that the company was about to finish the development of a package of architectural and technological solutions for the Hanhikivi nuclear power plant project, which are required for licensing nuclear power plants.

The Atomex 2015 forum featured innovative solutions of design institutes, which are meant to reduce the cost and time of implementing VVER-1200 designs, implement innovative fire-extinguishing solutions and other novelties.

As part of the forum Atomproekt was awarded a certificate of appreciation as the best design company of the nuclear construction industry in 2015.

During the forum Atomproekt also signed an agreement on cooperation with Schneider Electric Company. As part of the agreement the sides will exchange experience with regard to advanced engineering solutions that can possibly be used for designing nuclear energy industry installations.

Speaking about the agreement, Atomproekt Director General Sergei Onufriyenko stressed that the company takes a closer look at engineering solutions available on the market for the sake of using cutting-edge practices as part of Atomproekt’s products. Atomproekt confirmed that its own nuclear power plant designs may include the unchangeable part for the sake of unifying the kinds of equipment in use. The part includes the composition and technologies used for the nuclear island to secure operational parameters and the safety of nuclear power plants.