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Lukashenko urges transparency in utility tariff calculation

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko orders a transparent scheme for utility tariff calculation. The Belarusian leader gave such instructions at the meeting on the operation and development of the Belarusian energy industry on 16 April.

“You are keeping people, companies under constant pressure, you come to me and ask, demand that utility tariffs should be raised,” Alexander Lukashenko said.

“I still have no clarity here. They say people should pay 60% of the expenses on utility services. I can say people already pay up to 70% today. First of all, I do not know the true utility tariffs and it seems to me that their price cost is overrated. Facts show they are two times higher than they could be. If they are two times higher, then people pay not 30% but already over 60% to cover the utility costs,” the head of state said.

“They have so many rest homes, sanatoriums, other rest and recreation facilities there. Look, they rest and recreate more than they work. They rest there at the expense of all Belarusian people since they keep all these sanatoriums through increasing electricity bills. What cars do they drive? For what needs do they issue those loans and under what interest rates?” the President wondered.

Alexander Lukashenko warned not to protract the investigation of the revealed violations.

“I will not let you work in this mode here. Neither Prime Minister, nor Vice Premier, not you,” the head of state said addressing the Energy Minister.