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Mikhadyuk denies statements on BelNPP unsafeness as groundless

Statements on the unreliability of the Belarusian nuclear power plant (BelNPP) are unfounded, Belarus’ Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Mikhadyuk said in an interview to the Lithuanian newspaper Lietuvos Rytas, BelTA has learned.

“Calls to boycott electricity from the Belarusian nuclear power plant concerns me as a specialist in the energy sector. First of all I would like to stress that statements about the unsafeness of the Belarusian nuclear power plant are groundless. Ask the Lithuanian government to show you any official document with estimates and conclusions of this alleged unsafeness, especially taking into account the fact that Belarus, as they say, did not provide any data,” noted Mikhail Mikhadyuk.

The deputy minister stated that according to trade rules electrical energy is sold not as the electricity generated by a separate power plant, but as part of the energy system of Belarus. “Boycotting the supplies of electricity from the Belarusian nuclear power plant means breaking off the relations between the energy systems of our countries. I doubt this decision can be wise, especially taking into account its long-term perspective,” he said.

According to Mikhail Mikhadyuk, Belarus views this situation, first of all, as a manifestation of unfair economic competition.