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Minister opines on Belarus-Russia future cooperation in energy sector


MINSK, 1 November (BelTA) – Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich spoke about plans for cooperation with the Russian Federation in an interview with Belarus 1 TV, BelTA has learned.

“We continue working with our Russian colleagues on the formation of common gas and electricity markets. A draft interstate agreement on electricity has been already worked out. It has been agreed with our Russian counterparts, coordinated with the state administration bodies and submitted to the Council of Ministers in accordance with the established procedure. We are also actively working on harmonizing the rules for the common electricity market. We are to complete the work on an agreed draft of this document by the end of the year,” Viktor Karankevich said.

According to him, gas prices for 2023-2025 have been determined. “In the future we need to harmonize the principles of the common gas market, as well as the terms of operation of economic entities after 2025. The most important task is further rapprochement to reach equal conditions for the entities of the two countries, as well as to increase the competitiveness of Belarus and the Union State in general, the possibility of joint access to the markets of third countries,” the minister added.

The cooperation with Rosatom will continue after the completion of the BelNPP construction. “Our relations will keep expanding. As for the nuclear power plant, these are the issues of technical support, scientific support, and maintenance. We are working out agreed approaches aimed at further mutually beneficial cooperation. In particular, an agreement was signed on the possibility of joint formation and use of the insurance reserve, repair exchange fund between Rosenergoatom and BelNPP. This will facilitate prompt resolution of issues related to the operation of the plant. The extension of the warranty period for the equipment is also under consideration,” the minister said.

All the above-mentioned issues related to the cooperation with Rosatom will be fixed in a separate protocol. “The relevant draft protocol has already been prepared to amend the intergovernmental agreement on the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant,” Viktor Karankevich said.

Cooperation on radioactive waste management is also relevant. “It is important for us to study Russian experience, technologies and consider the possibility of their application in Belarus,” the minister added.
