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Minsk conference to discuss situation on oil market

The situation on the market of oil and oil products as well as development prospects of oil refining in Belarus will be discussed at the 7th international conference, Oil Refining and Exports of Oil Products of the Republic of Belarus, in Minsk on 7-8 April, BelTA learnt from the organizing committee of the forum.

Over 200 representatives of vertically-integrated, oil trading, financial, transport and logistics organizations, banks and service companies will take part in the discussion of Belarus’ oil refining and export prospects.

The conference with the participation of the industry’s leading experts will consider a new paradigm of relations within the CIS-SES framework, concerns regarding the changes on the market, the development of oil refining as part of the Eurasian integration, consequences of the changes in the export duties on oil and oil products in Russia and Belarus, the development of trading relations of Belarus with Kazakhstan once in the Single Economic Space, possible changes in the volume of oil products exports and other issues.

The program of the event will also comprise a visit to the Mozyr Oil Refinery to get the participants of the conference familiar with Belarus’ oil refining.

The conference is an annual event organized by the UK company Confidence Capital in cooperation with the Belneftekhim Concern and its branches.