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Minsk to host Belarus-Germany energy forum 25 November

The 4th Belarusian-German energy forum will take place in Minsk on 25 November, BelTA learnt from spokeswoman for the Energy Ministry of Belarus Zhanna Zenkevich.

One of the themes of the event will be the state and prospects for Belarus-Germany cooperation in the energy sector. Belarus’ position will be presented by First Deputy Energy Minister Leonid Shenets. Commenting on the forthcoming forum, he noted that over the years of the joint cooperation Belarus and Germany have successfully implemented a number of projects in energy and energy efficiency, have received valuable experience in the construction of energy resources operating on local fuels, development of renewable energy resources. The parties are expected to continue cooperation in these areas.

Apart from that, the forum will include panel discussions to share experience in the area of energy systems and renewable energy resources and the use of renewable energy resources in buildings. During afternoon the participants of the event will be given torus of the facilities making part of the sector of energy efficiency and renewable energy resources.

According to Zhanna Zenkevich, the forum opens up wide opportunities for discussing the current issues related to energy development, enhancement of energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy resources, the learning of the world experience in energy development. “This important event for Belarus will help strengthen mutually beneficial and long-term cooperation between Belarusian and foreign companies, introduce innovative products and attract foreign investments,” noted the spokeswoman for the Energy Ministry.

The Belarusian-German energy forum is organized by the representation of the German economy in Belarus in cooperation with the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of Germany. The partners of the forum are the Belarusian Energy Ministry, the Department of Energy Efficiency of the State Committee for Standardization, the German Energy Agency (Dena). The first forum was held in 2008.