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Mobile app to assess NPP safety

OAO Atomproekt (St. Petersburg) has developed a mobile application “Clean Energy of Nuclear Power Plant” which allows smartphone users to evaluate the safety of a modern nuclear power plant and to understand the process of energy production, BelTA learned from the press service of the Russian company.

"The application is made in accordance with the concept “basics and beyond”: with minimum text and maximum interactivity. Smartphone users can “put a nuclear station to stress tests”: the fall of a meteorite, explosion, snow load and an earthquake. In case of an emergency situation the simulator launches active and passive security systems,” nuclear power experts explained.

The data used in the application are based on the AES-2006 design. This is a model Russian nuclear power plant project of the latest 3+ generation that boasts improved technical and economic parameters. The project uses VVER-1200 reactors. Several new NPPs are being built using this design: the Belarusian nuclear power plant and the Leningrad NPP-2. Preparatory work is underway at the site of the nuclear power plant Hanhikivi in Finland.

The application “Clean Energy of Nuclear Power Plant” is available for free download.