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National reports on nuclear, radiation safety in Belarus as from 2015

The Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry intends to start preparing national reports on nuclear and radiation safety as from 2015, BelTA learned from Olga Lugovskaya, Head of the Department, on 22 December.

“We plan to prepare national reports to highlight results of the work done through the year. The reports will uncover all the aspects regarding the state of nuclear and radiation safety in the country. It is a matter of perspective for now but I think we will start doing it soon,” said the official.

According to Olga Lugovskaya, the first report of the kind may be prepared in the near future, possibly next year.

The Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor) is a structural unit in charge of taking care of nuclear and radiation safety matters in the country. The department was created in 2007 in accordance with Belarus president decree No. 565 on certain measures regarding the construction of the nuclear power plant.