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New norms for building radiation facilities adopted in Belarus


MINSK, 31 March (BelTA) – New construction norms have been approved in Belarus by the Architecture and Construction Ministry's resolution No.95 of 27 November 2020. The document was published on the national legal information website on 31 March, BelTA has learned.

The document stipulates construction norms for building radiation facilities. They had been developed by RUP Stroytechnorm and submitted by the Central Office for Urban Planning Policy, Design Policy, R&D Policy, and Innovation Policy of the Architecture and Construction Ministry. The norms will come into effect 60 days after they are officially published.

These norms specify requirements for designing radiation facilities where sources of ionizing radiation will be used. During repairs, modernization, and technical modernization of structures and buildings these requirements will be used to the extent specified by design documents bearing in mind the need to preserve architectural solutions in the course of repairs and modernization of buildings and structures.

The construction norms do not apply to nuclear energy facilities: nuclear plants, storage facilities, nuclear materials, spent nuclear materials, and nuclear waste produced in the course of normal exploitation.

All the effective technical norms concerning civil engineering industry as well as draft documents are available on the Architecture and Construction Ministry website, the section “Construction norms and rules”.
