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IRRS mission findings in line with Belarus’ self-assessment

The IRRS mission findings are largely in line with the results of our self-assessment, Belarus’ Emergencies Minister Vladimir Vashchenko told media on 14 October, BelTA has learned.

The doсumentary basis for the mission was Belarus’ self-assessment report submitted to the IAEA earlier.

“Prior to the mission, we conducted self-assessment, outlined plans and solutions to the issues we face in the development of the regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation safety. Today we can say (and the mission will confirm this) that the findings of the mission are in line with the results of our self-assessment. We have a common understanding of the IAEA safety standards and how to achieve them. The outcome of the IRRS mission will help Belarus further strengthen its regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation safety,” he said. 

The Minister stressed that Belarus is ready to abide by the recommendations and proposals of the mission. The country looks forward to continuing the consultations and exchange of information with experts. Petteri Tiippana, Director General of the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK), the head of the IRSS mission to Belarus, reaffirmed the willingness to continue close cooperation. This work will help the Belarusian nuclear power plant meet all IAEA standards.

Belarus hosted its first IRRS mission on 2-14 October. The major goal of the mission was to evaluate the conformity of Belarus’ regulatory infrastructure and regulating activity with the IAEA safety standards.