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Novovoronezh nuclear power plant licensed to operate VVER-1200 reactor

The Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor) has issued the license for operating the nuclear plant of the sixth power-generating unit of the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant, BelTA learned from the Information and Public Relations Office of the enterprise Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant.

The license will allow the nuclear power plant operating company to launch and operate the sixth power-generating unit. Before the license was issued, Rostechnadzor sent an inspection team to examine the nuclear power plant. Top-ranking Rostechnadzor experts personally verified the readiness of the reactor compartment, the safeguards, the main control room, the backup control room, and the fuel-handling machine control room. The readiness of all facilities in the startup area to respond to emergencies was checked. The inspection team made sure that the sixth power-generating unit complies with absolutely all the conditions required to get the license and that the power-generating unit meets high safety standards.

The license to operate the new-generation VVER-1200 reactor will allow the nuclear power plant personnel to start loading fresh nuclear fuel into the reactor’s active zone. Fuel rods will be loaded into the reactor under supervision of oversight agencies. The procedure will begin with transporting the fuel from the fresh fuel storage facility.

According to Vladimir Povarov, Director of the enterprise Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant, the fuel loading pattern of the new reactor differs from those used by batch-produced VVER reactors. “For the sake of ensuring additional safety fuel rod imitators have been placed inside the active zone of the reactor. All the equipment to control neutron flux has been installed. The reactor has been filled with boric acid solution, which concentration is monitored 24/7. The unprecedented safety measures explain the key requirement for launching the new power-generating unit: it has to start working safely,” he said.